
On this page you will find References about culture and disaster and below those, supplementary CADAN materials available for download. 

Public-Facing Works 

Browne, K. E. (2016) “Roux and Resilience: Eleven Years after Hurricane Katrina.SAPIENS (a public anthropology magazine). August 2016. 

Browne, K. E. (2013). “Standing in the Need: Communication Failures That Increased Suffering after Katrina.Anthropology Now (public anthropology journal of the General Anthropology Division, American Anthropological Association). 5(1): 54-66. 

Culture and Disaster Action Network: Marino, E., A. Koons, L. Olson, K.E. Browne, AJ Faas, J. Maldonado (2017). “A Helping Hand.” The Mark News. 

Culture and Disaster Action Network: Marino, E., A. Koons, L. Olson, K.E. Browne, AJ Faas, J. Maldonado (2017). “Local Resilience.” The Mark News. 

Dietrich, A. (2016). “Culture, Barriers to Recovery, and the Question of Resilience.Culture, Community and Disaster, 10. [there are a few others from this issue that are relevant] 

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). (2019). “Building Cultures of Preparedness: A report for the emergency management higher education community.” Lead authors: Katherine E. Browne and Laura Olson with contributing authors, Jenny Hegland, Ana-Marie Jones, Julie Maldonado, Elizabeth Marino, Keely Maxwell, Eric Stern, and Wendy Walsh. Washington, DC: FEMA. 

Academic Works 

Barrios, R. E. (2017). Governing Affect: Neoliberalism and Disaster Reconstruction. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. 

Browne, K. E. (2015). Standing in the need: Culture, comfort, and coming home after Katrina. University of Texas Press. 

Crate, S. A. (2011). Climate and culture: anthropology in the era of contemporary climate change. Annual Review of Anthropology, 40, 175-194. 

Dietrich, A., & Sánchez, M. (2017). Environmental Vulnerability and Resilience Potential. In Beyond Bystanders (pp. 319-328). SensePublishers. 

Faas, AJ. (2016a). Disaster vulnerability in anthropological perspective. Annals of Anthropological Practice 40(1), 14-27. 

Faas, AJ. (2016b). Continuity and change in the applied anthropology of risk, hazards, and disasters.  Annals of Anthropological Practice 40(1), 6-13. 

Faas, AJ. (2017). Enduring Cooperation: Time, Discipline, and Minga Practice in Disaster-induced Displacement and Resettlement in the Ecuadorian Andes. Human Organization 76(2), 99-108. 

Hoffman, S. M., & Oliver-Smith, A. O. (2002). Culture and Catastrophe: The Anthropology of Disaster. 

Lazrus, H. (2012). Lazrus, H. 2012. Sea change: climate change and island communities. Annual Review of Anthropology 41: 285–301.  

Maldonado, J. K. (2014). A multiple knowledge approach for adaptation to environmental change: Lessons learned from coastal Louisiana’s tribal communities. Journal of Political Ecology, 21, 61-82. 

Maldonado, J. (2016). Considering culture in disaster practice. Annals of Anthropological Practice, 40(1), 52-60. 

Marino, E. (2015). Fierce Climate: Sacred Ground: An Ethnography of Climate Change in Shishmaref, Alaska. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press. 

Oliver-Smith, A., & Hoffman, S. M. (Eds.). (1999). The angry earth: disaster in anthropological perspective. Psychology Press.

CADAN stage presentation at the UN Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction in Cancun, Mexico May 2017. 

Presenters are Kate Browne and Adam Koons. 
Copyright © 2017 – CADAN 

Downloadable Handouts 

DRR International Brochure 

Culture-Based DRR Handout. Prepared for international DRR work. 

US-Based Recovery Brochure  

Culture-Based Arc of Recovery Brochure. Prepared for US-Based Disaster Response and Recovery.