Caela O’Connell

Location of experience: Caribbean and Central America; North America; Small Island Developing States (SIDS)  

Type of disaster work: Recovery; Sustainability, resilience, and mitigation; Natural hazards  

Primary Interests: Climate change and climate change adaptation; Economics; Food and agriculture; Sustainability, resilience, and mitigation; Governance

As an environmental anthropologist, I investigate human-environment relations. This often brings my work directly into the path of natural hazards and chronic disasters such as water pollution. I am very excited to be a part of CADAN because this network offers a dynamic space for connecting in real time with others working on some of the same issues, but in very different capacities. We are linked by our common values for sharing research and professional experiences and a belief that we can improve outcomes for disaster response, recovery, mitigation. I am involved in CADAN as a way to find engaged outlets for my research and to learn from others so that my work is responsive to current challenges around disaster DRR work