Julie Maldonaldo

Location of experience: North America  

Type of disaster work: Climate change and climate change adaptation; Migration, displacement, and resettlement; Sustainability, resilience, and mitigation  

Primary Interests: Climate change and climate change adaptation; Migration, displacement, and resettlement; Sustainability, resilience, and mitigation; Disaster risk reduction; Energy

As a public anthropologist, I have worked for local, national, and international institutions on disaster and climate change risk reduction, recovery, and adaptation strategies. Through this work among the biggest issues that has emerged is the lack of inclusion of non-economic, socio-cultural factors in these processes, and that some of the basic first questions too often go unasked -- reaching out to local communities to understand how they would suggest reducing risk, recovering, and/or adapting, and how. Further, through this work I have seen the distinct need to link across cultural, geographic, and disciplinary boundaries, and translate the decades of knowledge that has accumulated from the field of disaster studies into policy, institutional, and practical action. CADAN arose at a critical moment for this work to be linked together, translated, and acted upon, providing the ability to connect with others with similar and complimentary goals to further actions to create just risk reduction, recovery, and adaptation processes. 
