Seeta Giri
Location of experience: South Asia; Southeast Asia; Africa
Type of disaster work: Humanitarian response; Disaster risk reduction and recovery; Climate change and climate change adaptation
Primary Interests: Livelihoods; Local values and practices; Community resilience; Create solutions in the field to inform policy; Institutional capacity development for risk reduction and recovery
As part of my work with the Small Grants Programme of the Global Environment Facility, I have been deeply engaged with communities and Community Based Organizations. My appreciation of the indigenous communities and their sustainable interactions with the environment around them motivated me to further research and learn from the indigenous Monpa community living in the Black Mountain National Park of Bhutan. CADAN promotes the principle of “local people and culture first” which resonates with my passion to work with communities and to learn about their traditional values, practices and resources that have a powerful bearing on their capacity to cope with external risks and shocks.